Sunday, August 16, 2009

Orientation Week


Haven’t had too much time to write this week because of MBA orientation, but it’s been a busy but fun week.  Greg graduated on Monday.  We went to eat lunch at Ariccia, then rushed to see him walk.

Tuesday, I had to get up early and make it to my first day of orientation – the high ropes course.  We got there and got an overview, then split into three teams.  First our team got in a circle and introduced ourselves to everyone by throwing a ball to each other in order, then faster, then four at once without dropping.  Then we headed over to this Wall that was about 9 feet tall, and had wooden planks like a ladder on the back.  The goal was to get every single person over the wall (about 11 of us), 2 people had to stay at the top, and after a few attempts we finally got everyone over!  I think that’s where I got a massive bruise on my thigh too.  Next, we went over the a shaded area.  Our leader had a PVC pipe about 2 feet tall and about 5 inches in diameter, closed off on one end, and a ping pong ball inside.  The goal was to fill it with water and get the ping pong balls as high as possible.  The catch: there were SO many hole punch sized holes in the pipe, and we got 5 small pieces of duct tape.  It looked so easy, but it wasn’t.  We ended up getting it about 1/4 of the way full, we beat the other teams, so it satisfied us…  The last thing we did before lunch was sit on a long thick log and get directions.  He said: don’t talk from this point on. We were supposed to line ourselves up in order by birthdays, not knowing whether it was by age, or month or what, while NOT talking, and NOT falling off the log.  This was incredibly difficult communicating, and balancing!  We ended up figuring out a plan, but couldn’t switch places easily, but he let us do it on the ground without talking and we managed in about 5 minutes or less. Then we all went up for lunch catered by McAlisters.

After lunch was the challenging high stuff.  We split up into 4 different teams. Each thing was about 35 feet up.  The first thing our team did was the “Topsy Turvy.”  It was a horizontal string ladder with about ten steps connecting from one pole to another.  We had to climb up one pole, walk across this ladder, while our teams were holding the strings of the ladder  tight.  The second thing we did was the “Lily Pads.”  The picture to the left pretty much explains it.  One person at the top crossing all five wooden circles trying to balance, while people at the bottom all controlling the balance and location of the lily pads.  This was definitely the toughest! The third thing we did was the “Sling Shot.” One person would get strapped into a hanging bungee cord, then get pulled up high (by the teammates controlling the string), and once we were all the way up, we’d pull a string and go flying forward (almost like the skycoaster at the Track).  This was my favorite!  You lost your breath when you suddenly fell like a roller coaster.  It was awesome!  The last thing we did was the Zip Line.  Pretty self explanatory, but we would climb up about 35 feet of a giant rope ladder thing, then get to a platform (which made me nervous because it was so wobbly), then we’d get strapped into the zip line, and fly forward.  Also very fun!  We headed out about 5:00 or so completely exhausted. (all those pictures are from AU’s Challenge Course website, pictures from our session will be posted soon)

Wednesday, we went to orientation from 9 to 4ish, and listened to our new teachers talk, and did a few team “get to know you activities.”  Then Thursday, we had half a day in statistics review, and the second half was about future plans.  I went to Sky Bar with a about 15 of us that night too. Friday was about the same, and Friday night we went to Bourbon Street and Sky Bar afterwards.  I found out that my assistantship was with our main leader of orientation, Trish, I think in career services, and I will find out more about that this Friday.  Overall I’m looking forward to it.  There’s about 40 of us, and I like everyone so far :)


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