Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rocky’s Favorite B’day Present. Car ride with Gene Chizik.

So at some point last month, I got a call from the Baldwin County Auburn Club president, Frank, and he asked me if Rocky would like to ride with Frank and Gene Chizik from the Gulf Shores airport to the Wharf Convention Center on May 14th.  This is like one of Rocky’s dreams – he is possibly the biggest Auburn fan I know… So I kept this a secret from him until his birthday party on May 6th, and told him that he would be riding with Chizik the following Monday.  Chizik was coming into town for the “Tiger Trek” Scholarship banquet for the Baldwin County Auburn Club (BCAC) to speak and sign autographs.  Greg, Rocky, and I arrived at the airport at 5:15, and he was expected to arrive at 5:30.  There were about six others there waiting on him to arrive.  The flight came in at about 6:15 or so, and he stepped off of the plane with about 10 other people – an out-of-uniform Aubie included.


He greeted Frank, then greeted Rocky saying “This must be Rocky.”  Rocky shook his hand, and then Greg and I introduced ourselves. 



Rocky got his National Championship  program signed, and his SEC Championship cap signed (Which already had a bunch of signatures on it from A-Day in 2011.


He then went inside to a room to to a press interview.  Aubie went inside to get changed, so when he came out, we got a few pictures:

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After a few minutes, he was done with the press interview, which is here:

He came out of the room, and Rocky, Frank, and Chizik got in the SUV to drive to the event.  We followed them, and it was cool to be in this car line with Chizik & Rocky two cars in front of us and Aubie in the car behind us – he was having fun dancing in the car. How can you not LOVE Aubie!

Anyways, they got to the Convention Center, and Chizik and Rocky got out of the car, and had a few pictures made, and Rocky walked in the event WITH Chizik and Aubie, and they did a “mini-Tiger Walk” to the table where he was signing autographs.  I tried to get pictures of them, but we had to park far away so were a little behind – there’s gotta be some out there though. 

I asked Rocky how the ride was and he said it was awesome.  He couldn’t stop smiling, and said he asked him questions like what he got his masters in, and how he liked Clemson. Smile

At the event, they introduced the scholarship winners, and Chizik talked about football, and did a great job.  We really can’t thank Frank enough for this opportunity, and it will definitely be something we will never forget.


Today (Tuesday), a googled Gene Chizik Orange Beach, and ran across this article on al.com: http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/05/gene_chizik_says_his_young_tig.html

The main picture is from the airport and is Greg and Chizik shaking hands – we didn’t even realize it was being taken.  It was also being filmed and we saw ourselves on the news on channel 5 and 10 that night (from the airport). 

All of the pictures I took are in the following album: CLICK HERE


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